
Email-Led Growth: I help tech workers grow and engage their email list to convert followers into customers.

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AI PM's $13K monthly leak: funnel case study

I analyzed Marily Nika’s funnel and was shocked at what I found. At a glance, she’s crushing it: 7000+ X followers 77,000+ LinkedIn followers No. 1 AI PM course on Maven But she’s leaving $13,233 of monthly revenue on the table due to “leaks” in her marketing funnel (without realizing it). She could easily be making even more if it weren’t for these costly mistakes: The “leaks” in the funnel Mistake #1 - Weak opt-in She’s currently driving traffic from her social profiles to a newsletter...

I have a confession: I used to hate sales. Selling is often perceived as “slimy” because a lot of people use sales tactics in a dishonest way to make a quick buck. For those of us on the receiving end, we feel manipulated. And because of that, we shy away from doing any selling in our own emails (or we do very little of it). The Mistake: Not pitching in your emails (or doing it badly) But this leads to missed opportunities to increase revenue on autopilot. When you don’t use proper sale...

To grow your business, you need to cater to more customers and to more scenarios. Sadly, most product coaches overlook email automation and will stop at just the welcome email. Email automation can do so much more! Imagine having an army of you that tirelessly work around the clock to deliver the best content to the right people at the right time. The Mistake: Not leveraging automations effectively Poor automation setup = unscalable customer acquisition and monetization. Here are the specific...

The average person receives about 100 emails per day. No matter what emails you’re sending, it’s competing with: Newsletters Promotions Notifications Bills and payments Service announcements Sending emails consistently isn’t enough—you need to make them good! The Mistake: Sending boring emails If your emails don’t entice your readers, they’ll get buried in the inbox amongst the sea of other emails. This crucial mistake leads to high unsubscribe rates. And there are other negative outcomes...

While product coaches know the importance of an email list, they often overlook HOW it’s being captured. An email opt-in is like the front desk of your business. It’s one of the first things your audience is greeted with before they can enter the building and explore other amenities. Imagine if your front desk is rude, hidden, or confusing, visitors will turn around and just walk away. A poorly designed opt-in will lead to low conversion rates (less people joining your email list). This leads...

Imagine if you directly ask a stranger for their phone number without giving a good reason. You’ll either get ignored or get a strong rejection (with some public humiliation). In the context of email marketing, the “good reason” is called a “lead magnet”. A lead magnet is the “free offer” that you give to your audience in exchange for their email address. But if your lead magnet isn’t compelling enough, nobody is going to give you their emails. A weak lead magnet can kill your list growth Not...

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Don’t get me wrong, you shouldn’t abandon social media marketing. It’s still the best way to create awareness for your business since that’s where most of your potential customers spend their time. But the mistake most people make is they focus all their efforts on social media while not actively building and nurturing their email list. What if I told you by doing that you either risk losing money or you’re not making as much as you could? The truth is: social media marketing is like renting...

When it comes to writing, “fake till you make it” is just bad advice. If you pretend to be an expert, your writing becomes overly complex and robotic. There are some subtle hints in your writing that will make you sound fake. For example, people will notice when you force jargon after jargon into your writing. Forcing credibility destroys whatever little of it that you have. This mistake leads to other negative outcomes (which is why you should avoid it): 1. Bland and uninspiring content...

I wish I knew these things sooner. I could’ve avoided spending 10,000+ hours learning and practicing writing (including spending thousands of dollars on writing courses). But you’re getting the shortcut. Before we begin, you should set a timer (just for fun). Ready? Let’s go! 1. Writing is the simplest format I started my creator journey with video because it matched my skills best. But it’s time-consuming, making it harder to experiment and find: My audience’s interests My personal interests...

boy in black hoodie sitting on chair

Let me be perfectly clear: I’m not blaming teachers. The education system has been struggling to keep up to date with the rapid changes of the online world. And the biggest change is a double-edged sword: App notifications Chat messages Social media Emails Ads The same technology that’s making it easy to broadcast our thoughts is also causing info overload. If you want to be heard in this noisy world, your writing needs to: Grab attention Keep that attention Persuade people to take action And...